
High Court of Gujarat Computer Operator (IT Cell) Elimination Test Postponed Notification [No.RC/B/1304/2020 (C.O.)]

High Court of Gujarat has published Elimination Test Postponed Notification for the post of Computer Operator (IT Cell) [No.RC/B/1304/2020 (C.O.)], Check below for more details.

Post: Computer Operator (IT Cell)

Advt. No. RC/B/1304/2020 (C.O.)

It is hereby notified for information of all concerned that, in view of the ongoing ‘COVID­19’ pandemic situation, the Elimination Test (Objective Type­MCQs), scheduled to be conducted on 11/04/2021 (Sunday), for the above-mentioned recruitment process, is now postponed. The fresh schedule for the same shall depend on the pandemic condition and will be uploaded on the High Court websites later on, as and when the same is decided by the High Court of Gujarat.

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The post has First appeared onMaru Gujarat Official Website

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